Total Hip Surgery
What is causing my Hip Pain?
The two most common causes of hip pain are hip injuries or hip conditions like hip arthritis. Since the hip is very important to your ability to comfortably walk, sit and play, it is important to visit an orthopedic doctor if you are experiencing hip pain. They can determine the best plan of care with you.
What is Hip Arthritis?
Hip Arthritis is the swelling of the hip that leads to pain and stiffness; often making it painful to walk or even sit. The most common form of hip arthritis is hip osteoarthritis. With a healthy hip, smooth cartilage covering the ends of the bones in the hip allows you to sit and stand easily. Also, the hip provides a cushion for impact activities like running or jumping. When you have hip arthritis, the smooth cartilage covering the ends of the bones is worn down like the soles of a worn shoe. But in the hip when you wear out the smooth cartilage, it causes hip pain and discomfort.
What causes Hip Arthritis?
- Hip Injuries – After a hip injury, hip fracture or any damage to the cartilage in the hip, arthritis can develop. Hip arthritis can develop years or decades after the injury.
- Joint Wear – Hip arthritis can be related to the “wear and tear” put on your hip. Similar to wearing out a pair of shoes, your hip can wear out over time. This type of hip arthritis is called hip osteoarthritis.
How do I make Hip Arthritis go away?
Unfortunately, hip arthritis cannot be cured, but a combination of treatment options may help to slow down the damage to the hip and relieve your hip pain.
What are my Hip Arthritis Non-Surgical Treatment options?
- Weight control/loss: Maintaining a healthy weight will help reduce the additional stress and pressure on your hip. Losing even a small amount of weight can help improve your hip function, as well as reduce your hip pain.
- Physical Therapy and Exercise: Your physical therapist can help you find the types of exercises that can relieve your hip pain and determine which activities to avoid to help slow down the progression of your hip arthritis.
- Medication: Medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen are commonly used to provide temporary relief and ease hip pain. It is extremely important that you talk to your doctor about which of these may be right for you.
- Hip Injections: Your hip has a naturally produced fluid called synovial fluid that lubricates your hip. The synovial fluid is very slippery and helps the hip joint move smoothly. Arthritis can lessen the amount of this fluid and make it less effective. Sometimes adding medicine to the arthritic hip joint helps with motion, swelling and pain. This medicine is injected into your hip and can help relieve your hip pain on a temporary basis.
A combination of these non-surgical options may help to ease your hip pain caused by hip arthritis, but you should always consult with your physician prior to starting any treatments. If non-surgical treatments do not ease your hip pain or you are unable to enjoy an active lifestyle, you may want to consider hip replacement surgery.
What is Hip Surgery for my Hip Arthritis?
The goal of any hip surgery is to relieve your pain and help you regain a more active lifestyle. Hip surgery for hip arthritis is called hip replacement surgery or total hip replacement surgery. It is a procedure where the painful worn-out hip is replaced with comfortable and durable implants.
What do I need to think about when considering Hip Surgery?
The first step is choosing the right hip doctor. You will want to find an orthopedic surgeon who has years of experience performing hip replacement surgery and successfully leads a patient care team of nurses, physician assistants and physical therapists. Your successful recovery depends on the experience and expertise of the entire patient care team.
Why choose Columbus Orthopaedic Clinic?
The Columbus Orthopaedic Clinic has three knowledgeable and experienced orthopaedic surgeons who specialize in treating hip osteoarthritis and other hip injuries. They have put together a comprehensive Rapid Recovery Program and spectacular Patient Care Team to help you achieve your goals. Recently, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi selected Columbus Orthopaedic Clinic as a Blue Distinction+ Center of Excellence. With only 7 clinics selected by Blue Cross Blue Shield in Mississippi, your patient care team is ready to help you return to an active lifestyle.
Meet your Patient Care Team:
- Doctors:

G. Scott Jones, M.D.
Total Joint Replacement (shoulder, elbow, knee, hip, hand, wrist), Sports Medicine

G. Chris Galjour, M.D.
Total Joint Replacement (hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee), Sports Medicine

James A. Hurt III, M.D.
Total Joint Replacement, (shoulder, elbow, knee), Sports Medicine

Aaron M. Mullane, M.D.
Total Joint Replacement (shoulder, elbow, hip, knee), Sports Medicine
- Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants: Your nurse practitioners and physician assistants are an important part of your clinic visit to ensure you are on track for a successful recovery. They will monitor, support and help you progress throughout your recovery.
- Patient Education Nurse & Care Co-Ordinator: Your patient education nurse has educated and successfully prepared hundreds of patients for total hip replacement surgery. She will be your guide and give you the tools you need to safely recover from surgery along with the roadmap to help you return to an active lifestyle. She will be with you every step of the way until you complete your rapid recovery.
- Physical Therapists: Your physical therapists are experts in working with you to create an individualized recovery plan, teach you the right exercises, and then coach you throughout your recovery until you reach your rapid recovery goals.
How does the Rapid Recovery Program work?
Our Rapid Recovery Program combines patient education, personalized care at our surgery center, newer more durable implant technology, recovery at home, access to our patient education nurse and on-call doctor and our fast start physical therapy to get you back to an active lifestyle as quickly as possible. Our patients have done so well with our rapid recovery program that Blue Cross Blue Shield recognized Columbus Orthopaedic Clinic as a Blue Distinction+ Center of Excellence for hip and knee replacement surgery. This also means your hip surgery will cost you less money out of your pocket.
- Patient Education: Your patient education nurse and physical therapist will properly prepare you for hip surgery. They will explain each detail for you to have a rapid recovery and return to an active lifestyle.
- Access 24/7: Your patient education nurse and on-call doctor is available to you 24 hours per day 7 days per week to help guide you to a rapid recovery.
- Personalized Care @ Our Surgery Center: Since our surgery center specializes in orthopedic surgery only, we are able to offer personalized care and a better overall experience. Especially with the outbreak of COVID-19, it is even more important to have your hip surgery in a surgery center to limit your exposure to COVID-19, hospital infections, and the coronavirus1.
- Fast Start Physical Therapy: Your physical therapy begins on surgery day and continues with your Columbus Orthopaedic Physical Therapists or your hometown physical therapist until you achieve your recovery goals.
- Recover @ Home: The best part of having your hip surgery at our state-of-the-art surgery center is that you get to go home shortly after your hip surgery. You get to recover in the comfort of your home with friends and family.
- Newer, More Durable Implant Technology: The strength and durability of hip implants have dramatically improved over the years. With Oxinum® implants, younger and/or more active patients are able to get life changing hip replacement surgery and safely return to their active lifestyle.
Let’s get you back to the life you enjoy. Call us @ 662-328-1012.
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Office: 662.328.1012
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