Patient Review – Dr. Hurt

Thank you for recognizing Dr. Hurt! Dr. Hurt is dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care when taking care of sports injuries or shoulder and knee conditions in adult and children. 

Learn more about Dr. Hurt and how he can help with your shoulder, knee and sports injuries by visiting or call us at 662.328.1012 to schedule an appointment. Unless required by your insurance, referrals are not needed for an appointment. 

#ColumbusOrtho #ortho #shoulderpain #kneepain #sportsmedicine #ColumbusMS #StarkvilleMS #mytupelo #compassionatecare #kneeinjury #meniscaltears #kneearthritis #shoulderarthritis #rotatorcufftear #cartilagerestoration #orthopaedicbiologics #orthopaedicsurgeon #WeMakeAGreatTeam