For over 10 years, our athletic trainers have been serving the sidelines and keeping athletes safely in the game. Thank you Ken Lee, ATC, LAT and Lindsey Gentry, MS, ATC/L for all you do! #NationalAthleticTrainingMonth
We are proud to be a trusted partner by area colleges and schools in the care of their athletes. The athletic trainers and physicians of Columbus Orthopaedic Clinic proudly serve numerous area athletic programs including East Webster High School, Eupora High School, Calhoun City High School, Winona Christian, French Camp, Houston High School, Mississippi State University, Mississippi University for Women and East Mississippi Community College.
#hailstate #starkville #mississippistate #columbusortho #sportsmedicine #athletictraining #athletictrainers #orthopedics #hailstatesportsmed #hailstatefb @hailstatefb @hailstatesportsmed #columbums #sports #WeMakeAGreatTeam #EastWebsterHighSchool #EuporaHighSchool #CalhounCityHighSchool #ItsAGreatDayToBeAWildcat #WinonaChristian #FrenchCamp #HoustonHighSchool