CrossFit is a fitness program that focuses on strength, flexibility, speed, coordination and balance. If you are new to CrossFit, start with short sessions and gradually build them with time. Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after CrossFit.
If you are experiencing pain during or after CrossFit, please let our team of orthopedic doctors and physical therapists evaluate your injury and create a personalized plan of care. Call us at 662.328.1012 to schedule an appointment or visit us at
#StarkvilleMS #ColumbusOrtho #MississippiLiving #mytupelo #activelifestyle #weekendwarrior #orthopedics #compassionatecare #mississippi #ortho #orthopedics #orthopaedic #orthopedic #orthopaedics #columbusms #starkvillemississippi #starkville #WeMakeAGreatTeam #sportsmedicine #SteelMonkeyCrossfit #CrossFit