Injury Highlight – ACL Tears

Our Sports Medicine Specialists are experts in sports injuries including ACL tears. Since the ACL is the ligament that stabilizes the knee, it is important to evaluate ACL injuries on the sidelines of any sporting event. This is why you see the athletic trainers and team doctors on the sidelines of most games and events. Players that go back into a game with an ACL tear can run the risk of damaging the bones in the knee, which can cause on-going knee pain or lead to arthritis. Our athletic trainers and team doctors can evaluate players on the sidelines to help determine if it is safe for the player to return to the field.

Columbus Ortho Physicians are the team doctors for MS State University. They have been volunteering on the Mississippi State sidelines for over 20 years. If you see one at the game, take a photo and send it to us!

If you are worried about your knee,  call us at 662.328.1012 to schedule an evaluation or visit us at

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